Friday, December 18, 2009



heyyo peepos. today is a fun day sia ! went to play bowling with kak isyana, ameliana, haziqah and afiqah. hahaha very fun . after bowling went to IMM ate lunch at ljs. hmm .. afta tht went to minitoons.. walked arnd ... okayh erm lemme just post SOME pics ... [actually gt alot]
//ps, im nt done wif my post yet uhc (:

we had alot of fun (:

[/edited 11.56pm]

Heyh again . didnt i tell u i'll be posting again ? hahah ... anwz , sry for the late post ... waited for dian for 2 hrs .. thn at 10 ... try sending the pics frm hers to mine n from mine to hers. still cannot .. so i just figured out lah , just post the pics at my phone (: hope u enjoy !
//ps, i knw my face sux (:


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