Saturday, December 12, 2009

good evening! haha lol now is 9.17pm lar deyh .. anyways , today woke up at 9am .. but woke up awhile oni then lie lie on bed suddenly slept till 12 noon. omg ?? lol . bathed , ate breakfast/lunch thn er, played laptop awhile . after tht followed bro to jp to buy bag . small baag actually . but walk walk suddenly i ask my bro 'can i buy a wireless mouse?' he let ... oo thn i see the mouses walao $45 sia. so ex ... my bro say , just take anyone u want la, dun care the price . but its like , $45 so ex .. so i see others , $36.90 .. okayh luh .. cos thts the oni nice mouse haha .. after tht walk walk still cant find my bag .. =X so went to b1 wah heng found it .. $19.90 o.o ... total my bro treat me $56.80 .. OMG!!?? so much siol ... :( sry yah bro ... nvm nxt time i work liao i treat u yeahs ? :D oh yah, actually when walking in jp saw aleen .. but didnt say hi .. cos its like , she was walking the opp. way as me and i saw her when i was beside her .. (ps if u dun understand wad i meant) hehe .. okayh then bus-ed home and started playing laptop wif my new mouse woohoo haha .. okayh luh tht's all .. byes (:


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