Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Okay i know lar, my blog dead ler. Bcos i got camp mah!! Got band camp and concillor camp. But to me ah, councillor camp is much much much MUCH more better than band camp. Of cuz right, band camp got training all those ahaa. Anyways, ok lar i'm happy and also quite sad. bcos this camp was to determine whether or not we will become councillors next year. Sad to say, me and nadhirah were chosen to become councillors(from my class) but fatimah didn't. I'm so sorry fatimah!

anyways abt the councillor camp, the most best thing is the night walking. 1st day, we slept then the seniors woke us up at 3 am. ooo... then go camp bring bandana to cover the eyes. IT WAS SO DAMN DARK AND SO SCARY. but luckily ah, i group charlie. got alpha, bravo and charlie. ok when our turn right, NO COMMANDER CRAWL! woohoo!! yay i oso dun like sia. so when my turn comes right, i was suppose to be scared lar. but i not scared at all! cos 6+ liao ma sun gonna rise liao scared for wad. ok but still dark lah. so followed the light arrows. went into the HOD room and lincoln was there lah. he ask walk straight dunno wat. open door. i just open bang the door! got afew people very scary lar they wear the black mask lol. so i go in, the door closed, no more light. find the whistle, blowed it, and tadaa!! done!!

okkk the 2nd night got campfire.. haha!! i think (idk spelling) raymond, davina, klinton, and johnson?? were there. haha like very fun hor? :D okay lar i think thats all...


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