Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hey hey hey . Erm , today kazumi went home , but me and my mother followed her woohoo . so mrt-ed to marsiling with books (damn heavy) and walk for idk how any minutes . but before that went to get bubble tea , mum's treat (: haha reached kazumi's house , nobody answered the door . but her father was home , sleeping (night shift) . then she opened the door with the spare key and called her mom . i think her mom went to doctor ? and her sister emiqa went to watch movie . hahas .. so waited for awhile , kazumi played the com , then go out , meet her mom at cwp . all along when kazumi were playing com emiqa was already home (we closed the door , so we didnt know) then when i went out of the room i saw emiqa sleeping haha . then kazumi waked her up so together went to cwp . met her mom and friend and banquet . okayh , kazumi ate fried rice ? the 3 or us share luh .. bt too spicy for me uhc ... i knw luh i cnt stand spicy food .. okayh ? anwz , after that went to interchange . kazumi, emiqa, their mother and friend went home taking bus 912 if im nt wrong while me and my mom took 187 . ha.. the journey was nice .. (nice? -.-) listened to music and was day-dreaming .

AND THEN HOR , somewhere around bukit batok , i saw sheryl alighting from bus and walking . wah lucky didnt she me lol . i see the time, was 5.30 + o.o anwz , when ALMOST reach my house bus stop , i think i saw valerie , cheng mun and others while i was in the bus . they were on the opp. side of the road . wah heng sia . haha lucky no bandsmen saw me . =X but but but!! when i was walking the bubble tea shop there .. suddenly saw kaymond . he saw me and i was like , omg ? oredi escaped so nicely scarly one bandsmen saw me ... haha nvm luh . i think ? okayhs .

when reached home , quickly changed clothes and began cleaning my room . ooh heng ah now cleaner . cos last time i use to play laptop on my bed . budd now i can play on my table haha! but seriously , i threw ALOT of things ... but the good thing is my room more clearer uhc ... i so freakin tired nw ... okayh anwz , after cleaning went to bathe ... i think 30 mins i bathe ? then went to do my prayers , then ate dinner , then is currently luh. wat i am doing now is blogging! hahaha ... okayh luh .. nth to post lerh ... byes , tc! :DD


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