Monday, August 17, 2009

Singapore Flyer!!

Yesterday me, my parents and my auntie went to the singapore flyer!! haha!! it was so fun!! it was a 30 min ride. wah when at the air aredi i so damn scared. like i was having jelly legs. hahaha!! take pics.... lazy post now lar...maybe tmrw i post the pics? got ALOT..... bcos i was so damn excited and it was so damn amazing. if not for my auntie to treat us to this, i wouldn't have experience this. so THANK YOU!! So, that means 4 adult, bcos child is from 6-12, each 29.50. so if got 4 will be around $120...but then my mum got passion card, so got discount 20%... so the total is $94. hahaha....So fun!! will be posting the pics tmrw (:


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