Monday, August 10, 2009

Section Outing :D

Yesterday got section outing. hahhaha very fun. During National Day! yay! At 10 am met pei qi at jp mac eat breakfast. at 12 went je popular. then go snow city. hahaha...damn cold sia. played until 3+? hmm.... then went to SSC mac...until 5? haha marilyn, bryan and darren prank called people. LOL!! so fun to play with. hahaha....then went to SSC at 5 - 6. Lol...then went je walk walk....then suddenly planned to go IMM... haha... went banquet drink...then played water!! haha!! so fun!! lol!! all of us got wet. keep pulling each other into the spraying water? haha.. so fun... then we all wet aredi donno how to go home like this...then take taxi... ahahaha. :D


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