Monday, July 06, 2009

West Mall~

Yo!! Today i went to meet my cousin at West Mall at 12pm. But then when she reached already(She take MRT) I still haven't reach. LOL. I was LOST!! I was in the bus then i don't know where to stop so i just stop anywhere. Luckily, it was the right place. HAHA. I was late. ;x After that me and my cousin went to burger king eat something. My cousin haven't eat yet. lol. Then we went around the mall. Don't know where to head to.
Suddenly i saw a Value$ shop. I just remembered about my friend's birthday. So we went there to buy something. After that we went arcade play play. We played one scary game until we both shout like siao. haha. I love that part [: Then I want to go home already. But my cousin said she going Yishun to meet my another cousin. So i just went straight home as I haven't finish my homework. Lol.
Furthermore my parents won't allow me to go home late at night. So when we waiting (for nothing) at the Bukit Batok MRT station, suddenly someone called my name. haha it was SIBELLE!! Lol. Kena paiseh. ;x haha. When on the train going jurong east VERENA mei mei messaged me. Haha she know sibelle saw me XD
So after that reach home already, I chiong on my homework. Luckily managed to finish on time (: Then I "duduk termenong" lol. Me and my cousin went to West Mall around 12pm. Then i reach home around 5pm +. But my cousin reached home around 8pm +. Wah. So late right. Surely i kena beaten if go home like that ;x
Okays, think I'm going off here. XD


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