Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Hey hey! I could say... Today was fun . We had a new student in our class and her name is Wen Hui. She came in during art lesson, which is after recess. So now our class have a total of 41 students! Haha. So yeah, I'm still the monitress . Tiring seh. :X Anyways, sorry for not posting yesterday. x] Didn't feel like it.

So erm, today after school went to mac, supposely to be with Maegy, Pei Qi, Fatimah, Nadhirah and the new girl, Wen Hui. But Maegy need go doctor, then Wen Hui have something on. So left the 4 of us. Haha . After eating Fatimah went home and me, pei qi and nadhirah continued doing our homework XD

Speaking of that, while we were eating(outside), a group of Hong Kah Sec students were smoking :X Can't stand the smell. Intended to take a video of them but didn't have the heart to do so :X They were directly behind Fatimah and i was siting opposite Fatimah. Then got one joke damn funny! -but dangerous- Fatimah said, 'The guy xxxx so soft I can xxxx more louder.' (something like that) She said so loud until the gang, THE WHOLE TABLE turned behind and stare at us. I was so damn scared sia. Fatimah's back was facing them, then i was directly facing them. That's why, it's funny BUT dangerous x] fyi, xxxx is the 'f' word :X So..

Reached home around 4+? Continued with HOMEWORK -2nd day already got homework :( - then i did maths first. Wah, the question i don't even understand. So just wait until bro come home ask him teach me. LIKE LARH HE GOING HOME EARLY. This kind of brother i have to say ... XXXXXXxxxx XD Okayh, so skipped maths and went on to English, then literature. Then now no homework liao ... Just WAITING FOR BRO TO COME HOME EARLY!!! So yeah, now practising clarinet.

Clarinet - I learned to play Kiss the rain, My heart will go on, You raise me up and Pachelbel Canon! Wohooo!! Thanks wan ling for the web (:

Guitar - Learned how to play You belong with me!! Haha..

Piano - Still stuck, not moving, AT ALL. Fav songs on piano, Pachelbel Canon, Minuet and Tong Hua!! Gosh... :X

Trombone - TOTALLY NOT IMPROVING. Cause only can practice the trombone on Fridays, during alumni practice :X

Violin - TOTALLY NOT PLAYING IT!! Haish .. Just feel like no time to play it. :X

So yeah...Sorry for the long post :X


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