Sunday, December 27, 2009



Hey people ! sry for not posting the few days . just came back from ******** ytd .. wasnt allowed to post any pics due to the *rules of the law created* by my mom. o.o anyways, it was fun haha .. okayh so today went to Jurong East popular to buy geo book but out of stock. thn went to jp . got lah thn shopped arnd. thn went home, bro called, lol so went out to jp again . haha bought famous amos cookies yum yum. okayh now bro wanna treat us to dinner. see ya later!! XD

[/edited 9.10pm]

Hey again! hahah wah dinner was so full sia! me, bro(oldest) and dad ate hor fun. Mom ate nasi goreng kampong. bro(2nd oldest) ate tom yum soup. hahah . but i didnt finish larh.. tooooo full. My bro(oldest) was the first to finish o.o thn my mom gave him a portion of her rice. wah he ate it finished. thn i cant finish my hor fun so gave him. he really ate it !! haha. after tht went home with my 2 bro's cos my parents chat wif frens awhile. walking home my bro keep bully me sia. i ran front front front SOOO front aredi thn walk ... scarly my bro ran to me quietly scare me sia. haish ... keep bully me one :X haha ... anyways, gonna be BUSY the WHOLE WEEK, i think ? tomorrow, MONDAY, going for alumni band in primary sch from 9-5 ?? yeah ... tuesday oso .. thn on wed got CONCERT BAND in yuhua sec. 9-5 i tink? or 9-6... hmm not so sure.. haha ... nt so sure for thu and fri. XD

okayh!! my hwk i havent finish my geo hwk wow. cos i jus bought it TODAY, fyi. :X okayh luh ... i dunno wad to post liao... maybe i'll be posting smething on class blog (: tc, byes XD


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