Sunday, January 17, 2010


hi hi hi !! So okay erm.. last friday the math teacher taught us direct proportion? I don't understand what she's talking though... But when she asked who do not understand and thinks she's talking too fast, almost everyone raised up their hands. LOL! Okay.. So okay.. Teach-ed again and i still don't understand. So that's when i was thinking, maybe i should ask my brother to teach me.. Last friday, 15th January, was my bro's birthday! Haha.. So he came home late.. Then yesterday, saturday.. Got band until 6pm.. But he also go home late.. Today.. I mean now.. He's free but going out later. =.= So got him to teach me abit. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND SIA. And like, WHAT THE HELL. He taught me a few minutes it just clicked in my head. I just understand like that. Wah.. How come my teacher teach me like, for one hour i don't understand but when my brother teach me for a few minutes than i understand? Weird.. :X Okay.. So currently my brother in the toilet, bathing -.- while i'm doing my homework after he taught me.. But i'm stuck in one question so i'm waiting for him and while waiting, i decided to blog :D By the way.. 2E7!! The new blog has been opened to you all!! :D ENJOY!


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