Saturday, June 06, 2009

Mother B day

YOYOYO. Haha today very fun. Got band practice from 8.30 to 4.30. Very long hor? haha. In the morning do marching. I cannot tahan liao leh. When after the morning exercise and after then run around the whole school, I felt faint. When senior ask who not feeling well? I wanted to raise my hand. No strength. Lol. Luckily one senior beside me asked whether I okay or not. I shook my head lor. Haha then go canteen rest a while. In canteen I looked rather pale. But really leh. Cannot tahan liao. Maybe because before that drank too much water. -.- Then go lunch break then sectional then after that go home early cause me bro bringing us go dinner at Pizza Hut. LOL. Celebrating my mum's b'day which was yesterday, 5th June. After that oldest bro got invitation and second oldest bro go camp(NS camp). Then left me and my parents. Walked walked at jurong point awhile then go home. Haha lol.

See ya (:


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