Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Long lost friend...o.O

Haha today very funny leh. Got English exam. Before that i look through my file. Then i talk to Chelsea. Talk talk talk until donno how ar talk until primary school. Say to her that i and Megan same class. Then she oso say she same class as Megan. Then suddenly she say that she had known me. Haha very funny hor? I keep asking her about things i remember when i was P1 and she say she oso remember. Haha i don believe that but she say she remember got 1 girl transfer out from her P1 class but donno who. Now then she know that it was me -_- haha!! Long lost friend 7 years never meet. Until Sec 1, these 5 months donno until today, Tuesday, 12th May 2009, at 8.18am found it out.
See ya (:


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